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7 Light Codes Of Consciousness Evolution

7 Light Codes Of Consciousness Evolution

777,00 € Regular Price
77,00 €Sale Price

These 7 sacred initiations organically clear, activate and upgrade the 7 spheres of consciousness forming your field and structuring the projection of it on a universal level.


Every code is expressed through a very powerful light language transmission that will work directly on the level of all subtle bodies - physical, emotional, mental, etheric, causal, spiritual and divine - at the same time.


This modality, channeled directly from Source, enables you to expand your consciousness in a quantum way - meaning, outside the barriers of time and space. This can facilitate instant shifts, clearing, healing and upgrades that are all delivered to you in the most divine order, following the guidance of your higher self.


You WILL shed some aspects of your personality to then be able to embody more of your Light. More of your power. More of your true essence. The highest expression of Self you can have in this physical reality.


We recommend listening to one code per day for seven consecutive days, allowing full activation and integration. You can then listen to the second code for the next week and so on, for a complete process of seven weeks. This is extremely powerful soul renovation and enlightenment, which ignites the expansion of your consciousness, thus of every aspect of your life. 


For when you consciously evolve, you align with the highest reality you can experience here.


Do you dare step out of your personal consciousness and open your arms to universal energy?


If you are reading this, you are.


The first step towards self-realization and the feeling of fulfillment is being able to ignite and embody those seven aspects of yourself. They reconnect you to true Mastery, which is mastery of your energy and thus ultimate freedom.



The 7 spheres of consciousness:


1. Personal consciousness: related to your individual reality and direct energy field. The transmission will access your energetic records and signature, cellular memory and belief systems for transcendence. The clearing of all densities and aspects related to self-judgment will allow full reconnection with self-love and the remembrance of who you are. Your true essence and your purpose in this lifetime.


2. Relative consciousness: related to your soul mates & family. Your close relationships, soul contracts and ancestral imprints will be accessed to be re-harmonized. In this sphere of consciousness, you have to make the conscious choice of releasing co-dependency and generational expectations, and fully embrace sovereignty as well as your OWN path. Reclaim your true purpose, unique soul gifts and authenticity.


3. Collective consciousness: related to your community. The scope of your energy field will be expanded so that you can impact more souls and attract life experiences that are aligned with what you wish to create. As within so without, and as you grow innerly your outer world will reflect more sacred connections and the manifestation of your vision. 


4. Global consciousness: related to the humanitarian perspective of all beings on Earth. Your inner matrix of mastery will be activated so that you can create and express yourself in service for the whole: your own higher good and the higher good of all humans. Sacred Abundance will also manifest more in your life.


5. Planetary consciousness: related to Mother Earth, her own consciousness and her precious technology. These light codes will awaken forgotten knowledge and faculties that will enable better communication with planet Earth herself. The Earth always wants to serve us, nourish us and express herself through us. This co-creation energy is reactivated.


6. Galactic consciousness: related to your existence as a multidimensional being, with full access to other planes of energy, consciousness and powers. This transmission rebuilds your 12-strand DNA as well as your galactic circuitry.  


7. Universal consciousness: related to the cosmic and quantum nature of your Self. This will unify all of your fields back to the Source of all. You as Source, as infinity, as divinity. To merge back to wholeness is the ultimate state you can achieve and this transmission will support you to remember it. 


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