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Already as a small child, I was fascinated with magic, the wonders of nature and the stars above me. I genuinely followed these interests in all their forms, a mystical exploration that revealed some of my gifts. Already, energy manifested itself to me through colours, striking physical sensations and communion with the natural world as well as deep insights.

Through my teenage years, this connection faded as performance pressure and the search for endorsement took over. Like so many of us, I put all I got in becoming a great and successful person. Some success, indeed, comforted me from time to time while some failures and a sense of emptiness subtely reminded me as well that life was bigger than all of this. At this point, the energies I was once upon a time communing with were quietly tucked away, waiting for my return.

Was I really happy? Was I at my rightful place? And if not, what should I do differently? These visceral questions were being swept away by the realness of 'life', the obligations and the expectations I had to fill, over and over. But one day, surely, it gently began to crumble apart. In a oh so divine timing, my consciousness started talking to me. And as I stepped away from this high-pressure and performance context, my true voice, my authentic heart could finally find the room to be heard and to expand.

It was a brutal awakening and changing of heart, but I could feel my soul was craving connection and elevation. Such power — mostly still unkown — was underlying it, such conviction — even if not rational — was sustaining it. Right there started my learning path to discover the mysteries which were trying to catch my attention. From this moment on, many mentors, facilitators and great teachers paved the road to the unveiling of my own gifts and mission. As a clear channel of high frequencies and as I started listening to and transmitting these energies, I quickly got introduced to the Infinite Quantum Collective, from whom I have been consistently channeling incredible wisdom, as well as direct access to Source Codes in order to help people from a hightened vantage point. From then onwards, so much richness unfolded in front of me, which allowed me to reach an unsuspected level of mastery and above all, start assisting other people in many positive ways.

I feel deeply honored to be able to help and support other's soul expansion and well-being through the powerful mediums of channeling and energy work. My many years of training and healing have taught me that accessing and working with the energy field is one of the most powerful ways to bring about balance in all aspects of self, as well as into your living space, sometimes almost instantly.  Even if challenges are coming your way, there is nothing “wrong“ with you. By bringing higher energies in, distorsions, patterns, limited beliefs and negative energetic programs can luckily be transcended to reveal your true powerful nature, right there in your hands and heart. And everything can be so much better. You are the creator!

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